03.10.2016 Neue US Foltermethoden in der Presse

Ex-US-Detainees Describe Unreported CIA Torture

As Human Rights Watch said today, two Tunisians formerly held in secret United States Central Intelligence Agency custody have described previously unreported methods of torture that shed new light on the earliest days of the CIA program.

Ridha al-Najjar, 51, and Lotfi al-Arabi El Gherissi, 52, independently recounted being severely beaten with batons, threatened with an electric chair, subjected to various forms of water torture, and being chained by their arms to the ceilings of their cells for long periods. The United States repatriated the men to Tunisia on June 15, 2015, after 13 years in custody without charges or trial.

Neither was provided compensation or support for their wrongful detention or the torture they endured, nor to help them cope with the physical and mental harm incurred.

“These terrifying accounts of previously unreported CIA torture methods show how little the public still knows about the US torture program,” said Laura Pitter, senior US national security counsel at Human Rights Watch. “The release of these two men without the US providing any assistance or redress for their torture and suffering also shows how much the US still needs to do to put the CIA torture program behind it.”

Read more https://www.hrw.org/news/2016/10/03/us-ex-detainees-describe-unreported-cia-torture

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Tags: #Folter #Todesstrafe #Hinrichtungen #Gefaengnisindustrie #CIA #AbuGhraib #Irak #Guantanamo #Militaer #Geheimdienste #Grundrechte #Menschenrechte
Created: 2016-10-03 17:14:01

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