06.08.2016 Auslieferung eines britischen Aktivisten in die USA?

A British activist is facing extradition to the U.S. and decades in prison for protesting the persecution of U.S. internet activist Aaron Swartz

Lauri Love is a British activist facing extradition to the U.S. and decades in prison for protesting the persecution of U.S. internet activist Aaron Swartz.

Lauri Love is a computer scientist from Stradishall in the UK who has a long history of political activism. He played a prominent role in the student and Occupy movements in Glasgow, Scotland, during 2011-2012. Love is facing potential extradition to the United States for his alleged involvement in #OpLastResort, the series of online protests that followed the persecution and suicide of Aaron Swartz.

Love is being pursued by the U.S. criminal justice system for allegedly protesting abuses by that same system, with prosecutors in three U.S. court districts accusing Love of hacking into various government websites.

Love's extradition hearing thus far has shown that justice would mean keeping him at home, and that any trial should happen in the UK. The U.S. must not be allowed to extradite without showing evidence, without proving damage, and for a crime allegedly committed on UK soil.

Sarah Harrison, Courage's acting director, said: "With RootsAction's help, we can bring much needed attention to Lauri Love's case on both sides of the Atlantic. Remember that while awaiting a ruling, Lauri Love needs to prepare for trial in the U.S. and the UK, needing two legal teams to work together. Lauri has already taken a stand for the encryption rights of British citizens -- now it's our turn to take a stand for him."

Lauri Love said: "Computer trials in the U.S. are Sisyphean. Because I'm facing three separate indictments, with decades of jail looming over my head on each one, they can force me into a plea deal in one jurisdiction, sentence me to several years, close that case and then do it all over again. In the UK there's at least a sense of proportionality to the alleged offense."

Read more  https://salsa.wiredforchange.com/o/6503/p/salsa/donation/common/public/?donate_page_KEY=10798

Kommentar: RE: 20160806 Auslieferung eines britischen Aktivisten in die USA?

Aaron Swartz would have been 36 today.

Pr., 06.12.22 10:17

Category[21]: Unsere Themen in der Presse Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/2Fm
Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/5689-20160806-auslieferung-eines-britischen-aktivisten-in-die-usa.htm
Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/5689-20160806-auslieferung-eines-britischen-aktivisten-in-die-usa.htm
Tags: #Zensur #Whistleblowing #Informationsfreiheit #Anonymisierung #Meinungsmonopol #Meinungsfreiheit #Pressefreiheit #Internetsperren #Netzneutralitaet #OpenSource #LuriLove #AaronSwartz #Grundrechte #Menschenrechte #IFG(Informationsfreiheitsgesetz) #Unschuldsvermutung #Hacking #Geodaten
Created: 2016-08-06 17:55:19

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