30.07.2016 CETA: EU Abgeordneten auf den Zahn fühlen

CETA CHECK!  and "Let's grill Ministers!"

At September 17th we will demonstrate in at least 7 cities in Germany against CETA and TTIP. Until this date we will not garantee nice summer holydays to the EU ministers and the MEPs, but we will permanently ask them about their opinion i.e. to the CETA agreement.

To do this, please go to the page https://stop-ttip.org/

 1. You can now grill your Trade Minister via the CETA CHECK! In the top right corner of the widget, you willl see a switch to navigate between ministers and MEPs. When you use it the first time, you might need to empty your browser cache first (if this happens or you notice other problems, please let us know)

2. Social sharing is enabled and onlineeee! When you send a question to an MEP/Minister or receive an answer you will be able to share your question/reply via facebook, twitter and email. The CETA CHECK! image of the revelant MEP/Minister is automatically embedded. Wow!

As of today there 57 widgets published, in addition to StopTTIP's. A total of 49,737 questions were sent by citizens triggering 802 MEP answers. In terms of success meaning the percentage of all questions answered Belgium is leading; with 26% of MEP answers, followed by Austria with 21.4% and Germany with 19.6%
In terms of citizens' engagement and requests sent, Germany leads with a total 6339 citizens sending 26849 requests followed by France with 727 citizens sending 4247 requests and Spain with 638 citizens sending 4129 requests.

In addition to the eight available language versions (EN, DE, FR, IT, ES, NL, PL, PT) of the CETA CHECK! we are working hard to get the BG, RO, CZ  language versions to have them online very soon!

Read more about CETA and TTIP  https://stop-ttip.org/

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Category[26]: Verbraucher- & ArbeitnehmerInnen-Datenschutz Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/2Fa
Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/5677-20160730-ceta-eu-abgeordneten-auf-den-zahn-fuehlen.htm
Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/5677-20160730-ceta-eu-abgeordneten-auf-den-zahn-fuehlen.htm
Tags: #ACTA #TTIP #IPRED #SOPA #CETA #Urheberrecht #Zensur #Informationsfreiheit #Meinungsfreiheit #Petition #Aktivitaet #FsaMitteilung #EUKommission #Gewerkschaft #Mitbestimmung #Umfragetool #Koalitionsfreiheit #Volksabstimmung #Arbeitnehmerdatenschutz #Verbraucherdatenschutz
Created: 2016-07-30 08:26:06

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