11.05.2021 Mehr Unterschriften für "#Reclaim Your Face" werden benötigt!

EU proposes PARTIAL BAN. We can ACT for a FULL BAN.

A few face recognition is still to much. We fight NO face recogntion!
The actual development in the European  "Reclaim your face" EDRI writes:

EU proposes PARTIAL BAN on biometric mass surveillance. We can ACT for a FULL BAN.

We have good news from the #ReclaimYourFace front:

+ The European Commission (EC) proposed a new law on Artificial Intelligence.

+ The Italian data protection regulator blocked a proposed police use of a live facial recognition system. The Italian Data Protection regulator called the SARI facial recognition system what it is: mass surveillance. The Police were blocked from using it.

+ Two days later, a member of Parliament suggested a stop on the development of such technology. "We urge you to make sure that existing protections are upheld and a clear ban on biometric mass surveillance in public spaces is proposed." The MEPs from across five political groups sent two letters a few days before the EC’s publication of the new EU law on artificial intelligence.

+ 61 Members of the EU Parliament wrote letters calling for a ban on biometric mass surveillance. New evidence shows the spread on biometric mass surveillance.

+ Almost 50.000 people signed our official initiative.

New AI law: the good, the bad, the ugly

The proposal for an EU law on AI states that biometric mass surveillance can “affect the private life of a large part of the population and evoke a feeling of constant surveillance”. The EC explained that civil society and public pressure led them to create a new category of BANNED uses of AI. In this category, they included some uses that we would call biometric mass surveillance! This was very, very g.o.o.d.

However, the EU Commission proposed this BAN on biometric mass surveillance ONLY when done for law enforcement purposes. This was b.a.d.

And then we realised it’s getting u.g.l.y. :

So SIGN the FORMAL EU petition!

If you haven't signed our formal European Citizens' Initiative against biometric mass surveillance, this is the perfect time! Curious about why all the personal data? Find out why an ECI is a different kind of petition.


Launched in October 2020, #ReclaimYourFace is a European movement that brings people’s voices into the democratic debate about the use of our biometric data. The coalition challenges the use of this sensitive data in public spaces and its impact on our freedoms.

Our coalition is made up of 61 European civil society organisations. European Digital Rights (EDRi) coordinates the Reclaim Your Face coalition.

Read more  https://edri.org/
and https://reclaimyourface.eu
and all our articles about face recognition https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/cgi-bin/searchartl.pl?suche=Gesichtserkennung&sel=meta


Category[26]: Verbraucher- & ArbeitnehmerInnen-Datenschutz Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/3fP
Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/7638-20210511-mehr-unterschriften-fuer-reclaim-your-face-werden-benoetigt.htm
Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/7638-20210511-mehr-unterschriften-fuer-reclaim-your-face-werden-benoetigt.htm
Tags: #EBI #EuropäischeBürgerintiative #Biometrie #Massenüberwachung #Polizei #Geheimdienste #Überwachung #Vorratsdatenspeicherung #Videoüberwachung #Rasterfahndung #Datenbanken #Entry-ExitSystem #eBorder #Freizügigkeit #Unschuldsvermutung #Verhaltensänderung #Verbraucherdatenschutz #Datensicherheit #Gesichtserkennung
Created: 2021-05-11 08:09:24

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