Hackers stole data from 500 million accounts at Yahoo
Update 04.10.2017: Eine Üntersuchung des Datendiebstahls von 2014 hat jetzt ihren abschließenden bericht vorgelegt. Danach sind damals nicht 500 MIllionen Accounts gehackt worden und auch nicht wie im Laufes des Jahres 2016 zugegeben 1 Milliarde. Es wurden alle Accounts des Unternehmens gestohlen, also insgesamt 3 Millarden E-mail Adressen und ggf. Telefonnummern. Allerdings könnte man zusichern, dass keine Kreditkarteninformationen abhanden gekommen waren.
Yahoo Inc said on Thursday that at least 500 million of its accounts were hacked in 2014. Cyber thieves may have stolen names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth and encrypted passwords, the company said.
The attack on Yahoo was unprecedented in size, more than triple other large attacks on sites such as eBay Inc.
In a Yahoo statement they admit the case and say: "Yahoo is working closely with law enforcement on this matter."
And they assure: "We are taking action to protect our users:
- We are notifying potentially affected users. The content of the email Yahoo is sending to those users will be available at https://yahoo.com/security-notice-content beginning at 11:30 am (PDT).
- We are asking potentially affected users to promptly change their passwords and adopt alternate means of account verification.
- We invalidated unencrypted security questions and answers so they cannot be used to access an account.
- We are recommending that all users who haven’t changed their passwords since 2014 do so.
- We continue to enhance our systems that detect and prevent unauthorized access to user accounts.
- We are working closely with law enforcement on this matter."
Read more https://blog.fefe.de/?ts=a91af199
and http://www.reuters.com/article/us-yahoo-cyber-idUSKCN11S16P?il=0
and https://yahoo.tumblr.com/post/150781911849/an-important-message-about-yahoo-user-security
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Tags: #Verbraucherdatenschutz #Datenschutz #Datensicherheit #Ergonomie #Datenpannen #Yahoo #ebay #Passwoerter #Cyberwar #Hacking #Trojaner #Cookies #Verschluesselung #sozialeNetzwerke
Created: 2016-09-24 07:40:49
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