18.11.2015 Polizei erschießt Mann in Handschellen

"It looks like an execution"

Last weekend, Minneapolis Police fatally shot unarmed 24-year-old Jamar Clark. In a scene all too similar to the police shooting of 18-year-old Mike Brown, dozens of people saw the shooting unfold. Eye-witnesses say Jamar was handcuffed with his hands behind his back when police shot him in the head "execution style."

The entire event was likely caught on video by a nearby camera, but local officials are refusing to release the footage. Last night, police unjustly arrested more than 51 Black Lives Matter activists for demanding release of the video and justice for Jamar.

Now, it's time for us to help turn up the pressure to get Jamar's family the answers they deserve.

Read more http://gawker.com/black-lives-matter-protesting-police-shooting-of-an-all-1742691581

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Tags: #Polizei #Polizeigewalt #Hinrichtung #Handschellen #Todesstrafe #Hinrichtungen #Gefaengnisindustrie #Zensur #Informationsfreiheit #Grundrechte #Menschenrechte #IFG(Informationsfreiheitsgesetz) #Pressefreiheit #Videoueberwachung
Created: 2015-11-18 08:10:42

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