19.12.2014 CIA Experimented on Human Beings

The CIA Didn’t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings

Human experimentation was a core feature of the CIA’s torture program. The experimental nature of the interrogation and detention techniques is clearly evident in the Senate Intelligence Committee’s executive summary of its investigative report, despite redactions (insisted upon by the CIA) to obfuscate the locations of these laboratories of cruel science and the identities of perpetrators.

At the helm of this human experimentation project were two psychologists hired by the CIA, James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen. They designed interrogation and detention protocols that they and others applied to people imprisoned in the agency’s secret “black sites.”

Read more http://www.thenation.com/article/193185/cia-didnt-just-torture-it-experimented-human-beings

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Tags: #Folter #CIA #Menschenversuche #Folterbericht #Senat #USA #Geheimdienste #Militaer #Hacking #Grundrechte #Menschenrechte
Created: 2014-12-19 09:12:54

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