22.11.2014 Scotland Yard hat Journalisten überwacht

Police face legal action for snooping on journalists

British journalists have launched a legal action against Scotland Yard after discovering that the Metropolitan police has been recording their professional activities on a secret database designed to monitor so-called domestic extremists.

In the data records of Jules Mattsson, a Times journalist, police had transferred on to the domestic extremism database details of his appearance, childhood and a family member’s medical history.

Read more http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/nov/20/police-legal-action-snooping-journalists
and http://www.gulli.com/news/25180-ueberwachung-von-journalisten-scotland-yard-vor-gericht-2014-11-21

Notation: That looks like STASI, because the data doesn't concern their personal life but their childhood and people in their life.

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Created: 2014-11-22 10:20:30

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