03.10.2013 Vorbereitung des Gedenken 100 Jahre WW1

1914-2014 We stand firm to achieve peace without weapons!

"Heroism at command, how violently l hate all this, how defyicable and ignoble war is; l would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action." Albert Einstein

The working group Schule ohne Militär in Aktion Freiheit statt Angst draws your attention to the appearance of the first info sheet 1914-2014 We stand firm to achieve peace without weapons! The German peace movement starts thus preparing the commemoration of 100 years World War 1, in 2014.

Nobel Peace Laureate 1997, Jody Williams:
"Militarists say that to gain peace we must prepare for war. l think we get what we prepare for. If we want a world where peace is valued, we must teach ourselves to believe that peace is not a 'utopian Vision' but a real responsibility that must be worked for each and every day in small and large ways. Any one of us can contribute to building a world where peace and justice prevail."

In the info sheets first plans for activities in many countries of the European Union and the USA are presented. In Germany the following is already planned.

1914-2014: 100 Years of World War l

The network "1914-2014: hundredyears of World War l" with its main slogan "We stand firm to achieve peace without wea-pons" was established in the fall of 2012.
As well as trying to give momentum to decentralized activities the network is organizing the following:

Parties involved: among others Pax Christi, Mayors for Peace, IPPNW, 1ALANA, Forum Civil Peace Service, and DFG-VK, a German section of War Resisters International
Further Information: www.1914-2014.eu

Read more and Infos about activities in other countries at ICC No to War - No to NATO, IALANA, www.no-to-nato.org


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Category[25]: Schule ohne Militär Short-Link to this page: a-fsa.de/e/29n
Link to this page: https://www.aktion-freiheitstattangst.org/de/articles/3892-20131003-vorbereitung-des-gedenken-100-jahre-ww1.htm
Link with Tor: http://a6pdp5vmmw4zm5tifrc3qo2pyz7mvnk4zzimpesnckvzinubzmioddad.onion/de/articles/3892-20131003-vorbereitung-des-gedenken-100-jahre-ww1.htm
Tags: #Frieden #Krieg #1.Weltkrieg #Gedenken #Aktivitaet #FsaMitteilung #Berlin #Veranstaltungen #no-to-war #no-to-nato #ialana #drohnen
Created: 2013-10-03 08:59:54

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