26.08.2011 Siemens AG und NokiaSymensSystem halfen bei Überwachung und Folter in Bahrain
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Das Bloomberg Magazine (eng.) stellt in einem ausführlichen Artikel den Zusammenhang zwischen der Lieferung und Installation von Überwachungstechnologien im Bereich Mobilfunk an das Regime in Syrien Bahrain durch die Siemens AG und NokiaSiemensNetworks und der Folter von Regimegegnern her.

So wird im Bericht ein Folteropfer (Abdul Ghani Al Khanjar) zitiert, wie es mit detaillierten Überwachungsergebnissen seiner SMS- und Mobilfunkkonversationen konfrontiert und daraufhin mehrfach gefoltert worden ist.

Ein britischer Sprecher von NokiaSiemensSystems bestätigte die Verkäufe und Wartungsverträge mit dem Regime.

First, Bahraini jailers armed with stiff rubber hoses beat the 39-year-old school administrator and human rights activist in a windowless room two stories below ground in the Persian Gulf kingdom’s National Security Apparatus building. Then, they dragged him upstairs for questioning by a uniformed officer armed with another kind of weapon: transcripts of his text messages and details from personal mobile phone conversations, he says.

If he refused to sufficiently explain his communications, he was sent back for more beatings, says Al Khanjar, who was detained from August 2010 to February.

“It was amazing,” he says of the messages they obtained. “How did they know about these?”

The answer: Computers loaded with Western-made surveillance software generated the transcripts wielded in the interrogations described by Al Khanjar and scores of other detainees whose similar treatment was tracked by rights activists, Bloomberg Markets magazine reports in its October issue.

The spy gear in Bahrain was sold by Siemens AG (SIE), and maintained by Nokia Siemens Networks and NSN’s divested unit, Trovicor GmbH, according to two people whose positions at the companies gave them direct knowledge of the installations. Both requested anonymity because they have signed nondisclosure agreements. The sale and maintenance contracts were also confirmed by Ben Roome, a Nokia Siemens spokesman based in Farnborough, England.

Quelle: Torture in Bahrain Aided by Nokia Siemens - Bloomberg

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Tags: #Folter #Diktatur #Syrien #SiemensAG #NokieSiemensSystems #Bloomberg
Created: 2011-08-26 07:42:34

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