04.06.2010 Patent für Google's W-Lan Scanner?
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04.06.2010: Google will seinen W-LAN Scanner patentieren

Google's secret Wi-Fi snooping was powered by new sniffing technology that the company wants to patent. In its patent application, Google noted that multiple antennas could be mounted on vehicles, which would be able to obtain a more accurate estimate of the router's location based on a "stereo" effect.

Klagen gegen diese von Google benutzte Technologie gibt es nicht nur in Deutschland sondern auch in den USA.

The lawsuit, which was filed by an Oregon woman and a Washington man in a Portland, Ore. federal court May 17, accused Google of violating federal privacy and data acquisition laws when its Street View vehicles snatched data from unprotected Wi-Fi networks as they drove up and down U.S. streets.

Mehr dazu bei http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9177634/Google_wants_to_patent_technology_used_to_snoop_Wi_Fi_networks

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Tags: #Google #Wlan #Scanner #Gesetz #Klage #Scoring #Datenpannen #skandale #sozialeNetzwerke #Verbraucherdatenschutz
Created: 2010-06-04 06:48:16

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