04.12.2015 Age of ‘pre-crime’ has arrived

Car Plate Scanners seek for Visitors of Prostitutes

The headline reads, “LA City Council Considers Sending ‘Dear John’ Letters To Homes Of Men Who Solicit Prostitutes,” but what they’re considering is quite a bit worse than that.

 Los Angeles is considering sending “Dear John” letters to the homes of men who solicit prostitutes hoping the mail will be opened by mothers, girlfriends or wives.

The city council voted Wednesday to ask the City Attorney’s office to examine sending so-called “John Letters,

Read more https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2015/12/01/the-age-of-pre-crime-has-arrived/

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Tags: #Datenskandale #LosAngeles #Pre-crime #Prostitution #Grundrechte #Menschenrechte #Verschluesselung #Ueberwachung #Geodaten #KfzKennzeichenerfassung #Indect
Created: 2015-12-04 07:01:35

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